where inspirations created...

Sunday, April 5, 2009


well....for nearly two weeks now...Shah Alam was blessed with heavy rains...and yesterday was extraordinary...the rain was sooooooo heavy..with strong winds...lightings and thunder-storm...
i was home with only Azeem and Adam...feeling uneasy ...my love hubby still on the way back from Sepang..(he's one of the F1 chief marshal)...and right after dust...strong winds shaking the sliding doors...winds whistling thru' it...just like in horror movies...Adam starts holding on to me....suddenly...BIG BANG and followed with blackout...
both my sons screaming...in the dark i took them downstairs ..deep inside me...i thought my house gonna to collapse...my house is situated on the hill...walked into the kitchen to look for candles...it was soaked wet...water pouring from the ceiling...then i know.. my kitchen was hit.....
open the back door..and this is what i saw...my jaws dropped and my heart-beat stopped...
i really didn't expect that this would happened..my house is called 'townhouse'...so there's another unit on top of my house...and you know what???? the upper unit's roof fell on my wet kitchen...and leave a hole on the awning and leaking kitchen...
it was a sleepless nite...i tried to sleep but i just can't....thinking ..how fortunate i am...thanking Allah for just a minor incident...nevertheless...deep inside of me...now i know how it felt..!!!!
i forced myself to sleep...and hugged him tight...and praying and thanking Allah...for giving me another day to look forward to......


  1. askm kak aida..thank god that you and your sons are safe...nasib takde benda buruk berlaku...

  2. kak aida.. syukur akak & anak2 xde apa2.. teruk jugak nk kemas tu..

  3. kak Aida.... alhamdulillah semua selamat...pas nie makan kat luar jerla..hihihi

  4. salam kak... sorry to hear that ,.... tapi alhamdulillahh akak sefamly sehat ...
    nice dress anyway...swedish cotton? beli kat mana tu?
