where inspirations created...

Monday, February 1, 2010

baby Daamia Umairah ...

Alhamdulilah ...my family is expending ... another cicit for my parents...another beautiful girl !

Daamia Umairah Muhammad Raffain Azizee was born on 6th.Sept 2009 ...
she was born as a premature 7months baby ..just look at her now ...and yesterday we had a simple but beautiful kenduri akiqah for her ...

after being so busy with so many things ... i'm glad that i finished Daamia's baby quilt and bear... right on time for the ceremony ....lucky nek mbah !
my sis Ruby (the grandmother lah...) saw this simple yet beautiful baby quilt in BHGCC magazine...in 2 diff.colours

i love colours... so Daamia's baby quilt is the mixture of both ....

the proud owner...
the quilt's center ...
the quilt ...
the owner's name ...

and now .... smocking dresses pulak :)

nek mbah loves both of you ... Daania Zahra and Daamia Umairah ...muaaahh!


  1. Thanks Da for the beautiful quilt. We really love it. Ni nak cari pattern untuk quilt sendiri. Dah beli cotton design awan larat macam baju Chef Wan selalu pakai tu...

  2. kak aida.. sooo lovely.. tulisan cantik... bole pah ikut sikit2 tulisan yg cantik itu...??

    nk tanyer. kak aida hand quilt guna benang ape? pah guna benang dmc... ok tak?

    tq sis

  3. sepadan quilt dan baby..dua2 cute :)

  4. pah..apa salah nya
    kalau pah nak impact macam Daamia' quilt guna benang quilt (DMC/COATS) and kalau nak impact macam shasiko quilting..gunakan benang DMC 8 perle tu...

    maz...thanks...mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke cucu ..hehehe

  5. Cantik quilt tu, the colors are sweet and fresh. Now you have more reasons to smock.

  6. cantiknyer kak... tiru bleh? hehe... love it so much la kak...

  7. zila...thanks!
    go a head zila....love to see yours :)
